
特聘教授 - 羅正汎

姓名:羅正汎 (LO, JENG-FAN)
研究領域:Mouse Genetics, Oncology and Molecular Immunology
The Scripps Research Institute,
Tid1, a Cochaperone Protein, Plays a Role in Normal Development and Tumorigenesis
口腔癌 (Oral Cancer) 2004年臺灣男性人口癌症死亡率的第3位。雖然口腔癌的治療和診斷已經改進了許多, 然而口腔癌的預後判斷依然是值得憂慮的。高效率的口腔癌治療或預防是受益於新進的研究。 無限制的細胞增生是癌症的主要特點。實際上,細胞內錯誤的細胞訊息傳遞所導致的細胞增生才是癌化和腫瘤新生的主要原因。表皮生長因子接受器 (epithelium growth factor receptor, ErbB1-4) 及他們的受質(ligands) 與癌化有很強烈的牽連性。在口腔癌相關的觀察研究中發現,表皮生長因子接受器成員中有過量表達者包括EGFR, ErbB2, ErbB3 ErbB4 ErbB 接受器heterodimers的同時表達中以EGFR ErbB2, 在口腔鱗狀上皮細胞癌 (OSCC) 發病原理上有直接地關連。EGFRErbB2 具有內含性的tyrosine kinase活性,而癌化信號的傳遞是由其細胞質區(cytoplasmic domain) 負責以內送入細胞。我們先前發現,EGFRErbB2 的細胞質區與Tid1蛋白質有直接地作用。Tid1蛋白質是果蠅腫瘤抑制器Tid56在人的同源體。Tid56的突變所導致果蠅的 imaginal disc腫瘤化,起因於連續性的細胞增生及其分化性失效。Tid56的轉譯蛋白質為DnaJ 家族的一員, 具有調節Hsp70 (heat shock protein 70) chaperone作用的能力。我們已知Tid1 的過量表達可降低乳腺癌細胞的增生。也有報導指出在SF767 神經膠質瘤細胞出現hTid-1的突變。而Tid1 的作用在口腔癌是未知的。由於Tid1 EGFR ErbB2 接受器有直接地作用,EGFR ErbB2 接受器在口腔癌腫瘤有過量地表達。所以,我們推測 Tid1 的功能可作為一腫瘤抑制器在ErbB 依存的口腔癌之癌化過程。由於口腔癌患者的高再現及對常規療法拮抗作用之發生,有效的chemopreventive 方法的發展是一項具有相當重要性的研究。為此,我們的研究將可進一步驗證Tid1可作為口腔癌腫瘤抑制器,並期望未來以Tid1 作為口腔癌之治療標的。


Head and Neck Cancer Stem Cells in Tumorigenesis
癌症病患在腫瘤切除後仍具有相當高地腫瘤復發性。此腫瘤復發性支持了腫瘤內細胞異質性(heterogeneity)的存在。癌幹細胞的理論指出腫瘤內只有少數之癌細胞具備有正常幹細胞分化及分裂之特徵,及「自我更新(self-renewal)」的能力,進而促進腫瘤新生。傳統醫療方式是以殺死癌細胞為主,但癌幹細胞或許才是最主要的治療標的。癌幹細胞已知存在於血癌、腦瘤、乳癌、前列腺癌及黑色素皮膚癌等腫瘤組織中且具有不同的細胞表面標記(marker)。 利用無血清幹細胞篩選培養液,本實驗室可自口腔癌細胞株中分離出從平貼型態轉而形成幹細胞球體(Stem cell spheres)之細胞,分離出之癌幹細胞球體會加強表現幹細胞之標記基因,如NanogOct-4Nestin與癌細胞轉移標記基因S100A4。 由於口腔癌患者的高再現及對常規療法拮抗作用之發生, 有效的chemopreventive 方法的發展是一項具有相當重要性的研究。為此,我們將進一步驗證口腔癌幹細胞對口腔癌化之重要性。
探討肝臟中Tid1缺乏導致線粒體功能障礙所引發之NASH / HCC:病理機制的新見解和治療觀點(2/3)
探討肝臟中Tid1缺乏導致線粒體功能障礙所引發之NASH / HCC:病理機制的新見解和治療觀點(1/3)
  1. Ali A, Kuo WW, Kuo CH, Lo JF, Chen MYC, Daddam JR, Ho TJ, Viswanadha VP, Shibu MA, Huang CY. E3 ligase activity of Carboxyl terminus of Hsc70 interacting protein (CHIP) in Wharton’s jelly derived mesenchymal stem cells improves their persistence under hyperglycemic stress and promotes the prophylactic effects against diabetic cardiac damages. Bioeng Transl Med. 2021 Jun 11; 6: e10234.
  2. Chen MC, Hsu LL, Wang SF, Pan YL, Lo JF, Yeh TS, Tseng LM, Lee HC. Salubrinal Enhances Cancer Cell Death during Glucose Deprivation through the Upregulation of xCT and Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress. Biomedicines. 2021 Aug 28; 9: 1101.
  3. Chen KY, Huang YH, Teo WH, Chang CW, Chen YS, Yeh YC Lee CJ and Lo JF*. Loss of Tid1/DNAJA3 Co-chaperone Promotes Progression and Recurrence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma after Surgical Resection: A Novel Model to Stratify Risk of Recurrence. Cancers (Basel). 2020 December 29, Accepted. (SCI; Co-corresponding author).
  4. Hung KF, Chen CY, Kawasumi M, Lan TY, Poon CL, Lin YS, Wu PJ, Chen YC, Chen BH, Wu CH, Lo JF, Weng RR and Sun YC. Adaptation to endoplasmic reticulum stress enhances resistance of oral cancer cells to cisplatin by up-regulating polymerase η and increasing DNA repair efficiency. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 December 28, Accepted.
  5. Teo WH, Lo JF. Fann YN, Huang CY, Huang TF. Ganoderma microsporum immunomodulatory protein, GMI, promotes C2C12 myoblast differentiation in vitro via upregulation of Tid1 and STAT3 Acetylation. Plos One. 2020 December 21, Accepted. (SCI; Co-corresponding author).
  6. Wang SF, Huang KH, Tseng WC, Lo JF, Li AF, Fang WL, Chen CF, Yeh TS, Chang YL, Chou YC, Hung HH, Lee HC. DNAJA3/Tid1 Is Required for Mitochondrial DNA Maintenance and Regulates Migration and Invasion of Human Gastric Cancer Cells. Cancers (Basel). 2020 Nov 20;12(11):3463.
  7. Hung KF, Sun YC, Chen BH, Lo JF, Cheng CM, Chen CY, Wu CH, Kao SY. New COVID-19 saliva-based test: How good is it compared with the current nasopharyngeal or throat swab test? J Chin Med Assoc. 2020 Oct 1;83(10):891-894.
  8. Hu WC, Teo WH, Huang TF, Lee TC and Lo JF. Combinatorial Low Dose Arsenic Trioxide and Cisplatin Exacerbates Autophagy via AMPK/STAT3 Signaling on Targeting Head and Neck Cancer Initiating Cells. Frontiers in Oncology. 2020 Apr 15; 10:463. (SCI; Corresponding author).
  9. Li WC, Huang CH, Shieh YT, Chen TY, Cheng LH, Chen CY, Liu CJ, Chen HM, Huang CL, Lo JF and Chang KW. Regulatory Role of Hexokinase 2 in Modulating Head and Neck Tumorigenesis. Frontiers in Oncology. 2020 Mar 31; 10:410.
  10. Chen TY, Hsieh YT, Huang JM, Liu CJ, Chuang LT, Huang PC, Kuo TY, Chia HY, Chou CY, Chang CW, Chen YF, Chen HM, Lo JF, Li WC. Determination of Pyruvate Metabolic Fates Modulates Head and Neck Tumorigenesis. 2019 May 14;21(7):641-652.
  11. Chao CN, Lo JF, Khan FB, Day CH, Lai CH, Chen CH, Chen RJ, Viswanadha VP, Kuo CH, Huang CY. Tid1-S attenuates LPS-induced cardiac hypertrophy and apoptosis through ER-a mediated modulation of p-PI3K/p-Akt signaling cascade. J Cell Biochem. 2019 May 13. doi: 10.1002/jcb.28928.
  12. Chao CN, Lai CH, Badrealam KF, Lo JF, Shen CY, Chen CH, Chen RJ, Viswanadha VP, Kuo WW, Huang CY. CHIP attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced cardiac hypertrophy and apoptosis by promoting NFATc3 proteasomal degradation. J Cell Physiol. 2019 Nov; 234(11):20128-20138.
  13. Chang CW, Lo JF, Wang X. Roles of Mitochondria in Liver Cancer Stem Cells. Differentiation. 2019 May – Jun; 107:35-41.
  14. Hung KF, Liao PC, Chen CK, Chiu YT, Cheng DH, Kawasumi M, Kao SY, Lo JF*. ASB6 Promotes the Stemness Properties and Sustains Metastatic Potential of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells by Attenuating ER Stress. Int J Biol Sci 2019 Apr 22;15(5):1080-1090. (SCI; Corresponding author).
  15. Feng CC, Liao PH, Tsai HI, Cheng SM, Yang LY, PadmaV, Pan LF, Chen RJ, Lo JF, Huang CY. Tumorous imaginal disc 1 (TID1) inhibits isoproterenol-induced cardiac hypertrophy and apoptosis by regulating c-terminus of hsc70-interacting protein (CHIP) mediated degradation of Gαs. Int J Med Sci 2018; 15(13):1537-1546.
  16. Chen YS, Chang CW, Tsay YG, Huang LY, Wu YC, Cheng LH, Yang CC, Wu CH, Teo WH, Hung KF, Huang CY, Lee TC and Lo JF*. The HSP40 Co-Chaperone Protein, Tid1 suppresses metastasis of head and neck cancer cells through the inhibition of Galectin-7-TCF3-MMP9 Axis Signaling. Theranostics, 2018 Jun 13;8(14):3841-3855. (SCI; Corresponding author).
  17. Chang CW, Chen YS, Tsay YG, Han CL, Chen YJ, Yang CC, Hung KF, Lin CH, Huang TY, Kao SY, Lee TC, Lo JF*. ROS-independent ER stress-mediated NRF2 activation promotes warburg effect to maintain stemness-associated properties of cancer-initiating cells. Cell Death Dis. 2018 Feb 7;9(2): 194. (SCI; Corresponding author).
  18. Cheng LH, Hung KF, Lee TC, Huang CY, Chiu WT, Huang TF, Lo JF*. Mitochondrial co-chaperone protein Tid1 is required for energy homeostasis during skeletal myogenesis. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2016 Dec 7;7(1):185. (SCI; Co-corresponding author).
  19. Huang CY, Kuo WW,Lo JF, Ho TJ, Pai PY, Chiang SF, Chen PY, Tsai FJ, Tsai CH, Huang CY. Doxorubicin attenuates CHIP-guarded HSF1 nuclear translocation and protein stability to trigger IGF-IIR-dependent cardiomyocyte death. Cell Death Dis. 2016 Nov 3;7(11): e2455.
  20. Cheng LH, Hung KF, Huang TF, Hsieh HP, Wang SY, Huang CY, Lo JF. Attenuation of cancer-initiating cells stemness properties by abrogating S100A4 calcium binding ability in head and neck cancers. Oncotarget. 2016 Oct 26. 12935 (SCI; Corresponding author).
  21. Chang CW, Chen YS, Chen CC, Chan IO, Chen CC, Sheu SJ, Lin TW, Chou SH, Liu CJ, Lee TC, Lo JF*. Targeting cancer initiating cells by promoting cell differentiation and restoring chemosensitivity via dual inactivation of STAT3 and src activity using an active component of antrodia cinnamomea Oncotarget. 2016 Sep 22. 12194 (SCI; Corresponding author).
  22. Yeh DW, Chen YS, Lai CY, Liu YL, Lu CH, Lo JF, Chen L, Hsu LC, Luo Y, Xiang R and Chuang TH. Downregulation of COMMD1 by miR-205 promotes a positive feedback loop for amplifying inflammatory- and stemness-associated properties of cancer cells. Cell Death and Differentiation. 2016 May; 23(5): 841-52.
  23. Chang CW, Chen YS, Chen CC, Chen CC, Sheu SJ, Lin TW, Lee TC, Lo JF*. Lyophilized particles and ethanolic extracts of Antrodia cinnamomea mycelia suppress the tumorigenicity of head and neck cancer cells in vivo. Biomedicine (Taipei). 2014; 4:26. (Corresponding author).
  24. Ciou SC, Chou YT, Liu YL, Nieh YC, Lu JW, Huang SF, Chou YT, Cheng LH, Lo JF, Chen MJ, Yang MC, Yuh CH, Wang HD. Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase A regulates hepatocarcinogenesis via PP2A and ERK signaling. Int J Cancer. 2014 Nov 27. doi: 10.1002/ijc.29361. (SCI)
  25. Chang CW, Chen YS, Chou SH, Han CL, Chen YJ, Yang CC, Huang CY, Lo JF*. Distinct subpopulations of head and neck cancer cells with different levels of intracellular reactive oxygen species exhibit diverse stemness, proliferation, and chemosensitivity. Cancer Research. 2014 Nov 1, 74(21):6291-305. (SCI; Corresponding author).
  26. Yeh DW, Liu YL, Lo YC, Yuh CH, Yu GY, Lo JF, Luo Y, Xiang R, Chuang TH. Toll-like receptor 9 and 21 have different ligand recognition profiles and cooperatively mediate activity of CpG-oligodeoxynucleotides in zebrafish. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Dec 17;110(51):20711-6. (SCI).
  27. Chen YS, Huang WL, Chang SH, Chang KW, Kao SY, Lo JF* and Su Enhanced filopodium formation and stem-like phenotypes in a novel metastatic head and neck cancer cell model. Oncology Reports. 2013,30(6):2829-37. (SCI; Corresponding author).
  28. Chang CW, Chen CC, Wu MJ, Chen YS, Chen CC, Sheu SJ, Lin TW, Chou SH, Lin SC, Liu CJ, Lee TC, Huang CY, Lo JF*. Active Component of Antrodia Cinnamomea Mycelia Targeting Head and Neck Cancer Initiating Cells through Exaggerated Autophagic Cell Death. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicin Acceptance for publication on 2013, 2013:946451(SCI; Corresponding author).
  29. Chen CY, Jan CI, Lo JF, Yang SC, Chang YL, Pan SH, Wang WL, Hong TM, Yang PC. Tid1-L inhibits EGFR signaling in lung adenocarcinoma by enhancing EGFR ubiquitinylation and degradation. Cancer Res. 2013 Jul 1;73(13):4009-19 (SCI).
  30. Yu YH, Chiou GY, Huang PI, Lo WL, Wang CY, Lu KH, Yu CC, Alterovitz G, Huang WC, Lo JF, Hsu HS, Chiou Network Biology of Tumor Stem-like Cells Identified a Regulatory Role of CBX5 in Lung Cancer. Scientific Reports. 2012; 2:584. (SCI).
  31. Liu J, Xu C, Liu YL, Matsuo H, Hsieh RP, Lo JF, Tseng PH, Yuan CJ, Luo Y, Xiang R, Chuang TH. Activation of rabbit TLR9 by different CpG-ODN optimized for mouse and human TLR9. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis. 2012 Sep;35(5):443-51. (SCI).
  32. Lo WL, Chu PY, Lee TH, Su TL, Chien Y, Chen YW, Huang PI, Tseng LM, Tu PH, Kao SY, Lo JF*. 2012. A Combined DNA-Affinic Molecule and N-Mustard Alkylating Agent Has an Anti-Cancer Effect and Induces Autophagy in Oral Cancer Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 13:3277-90. (SCI; Corresponding author).
  1. Teo WH., Fann YN., Lo JF. DNAJA3, a Co-chaperone in Development and Tumorigenesis. In: Heat Shock Proteins. Springer, Dordrecht. First Online: 16 September 2020. Publisher: Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/7515_2020_33
  1. Chen, K.Y., Y.H. Huang, C.J. Lee and F. Lo. 2018.  Tid1 Expression Is Negatively Associated with Recurrence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Combined Clinical and Histological Score to Predict Outcome. The AASLD Liver Meeting, San Francisco, November 9-13.
  1. Chen, Y.S. and F. Lo. 2017. Characterization and Identification of the molecular mechanism of metabolic disorder and liver cancer in hepatocyte specific Tid1 knockout mice. 16th Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA) International Symposium, Granted with Joseph Li Travel Award, Hangzhou, China, June 29-July 3.
  2. Chang, C.W. and F. Lo. 2017. Grp78/PERK/Nrf2 signaling activation mediated metabolic reprogramming of Cancer-Initiating Cells 16th Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA) International Symposium, Granted with Joseph Li Travel Award, Hangzhou, China, June 29-July 3
  3. Chen, C.K., P.F. Su and F. Lo. 2016. Characterization of the role of ASB6 in head and neck cancer initiating cells. The 24th Biennial Congress of the European Association for Cancer Research, Manchester, UK, July 9-12.
  4. Lo, J.F., L.H. Cheng and T.F. Huang. 2016. Mitochondrial cochaperone protein Tid1 is required for energy homeostasis during skeletal myogenesis. Annual General Meeting, International Society for Stem Cells Research, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 22-25.
  5. Lo, J.F., L.H. Cheng, W.T. Chiu and T.F. Huang. 2015. Transgenic mice with defieiency of Tid1 gene specific in muyscular tissue as a clinical disease model. Annual General Meeting, International Society for Stem Cells Research, Stockholm, Sweden, June 24-27.
  6. Cheng, L.H. and F. Lo. 2015. Tid1 Mediating Cancer Initiating Properties of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Philadelphia, PA, April 18-22.
  7. Chen, Y.S. and F. Lo. 2015. Deficiency of Tid1 in hepatocyte promotes steatosis, fibrosis and tumorigenesis. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Philadelphia, PA, April 18-22.
  8. Chang, C.W. and F. Lo. 2015. Targeting Head and Neck Cancer Initiating Cells with Combinatorial Therapeutics through Pharmacological Inhibition of ROS Scavenger and Conventional Chemotherapy Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Philadelphia, PA, April 18-22.
  9. Lo, J.F. and L.H. Cheng. 2014.  Characterization of Tid1 conditional knockout mice for preclinical testing of novel human head and neck cancer therapeutics. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, San Diego, CA, April 5-9.
  10. Chang, C.W. and F. Lo. 2014. Combinatorial therapeutics with targeting head and neck cancer initiating cells using active components from antrodia cinnamomea and conventional chemotherapy. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, San Diego, CA, April 5-9.
  11. Chen, Y.S. and F. Lo. 2014. Glycosylation of tid1 regulates galectin-7 ubiquitination and localization to suppress head and neck cancer metastasis. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, San Diego, CA, April 5-9.
  12. Cheng, L.H. and F. Lo. 2014. Attenuation of cancer-initiating cells stemness properties by abrogating S100A4 calcium binding ability in head and neck cancers Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, San Diego, CA, April 5-9.
  13. SuF., Y.S. Chen, W.L. Huang, S.H. Chang, and J.F. Lo. 2012. Establishment of a novel metastatic head and neck cancer model with gain of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and stemness properties. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Chicago, Illinois, March 31-April 4.
  14. Chen Y.H., F. Lo. 2012. Tid1, a tumor suppressor, regulating the tumor initiation properties of HNSCC. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Chicago, Illinois, March 31-April 4.
  15. Chang C.W.,F. Lo. 2012. Synergistic Effect of Purified Components from Antrodia Cinnamomea Mycelia on Targeting Oral Cancer Stem Cell. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Chicago, Illinois, March 31-April 4.
  16. Chen Y.S., F. Lo. 2012, Characterization of glucose transporter 3 in head and neck cancer initiating cells. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Chicago, Illinois, March 31-April 4.
  17. Wu Y.C., L.Y. Huang,F. Lo. 2011. Tid1 Regulates Galectin-7 Mediated Tumorigenesis of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Orlando, Florida, April 2-6.
  18. Chang C.W., F. Lo. 2011. Identification and Characterization of Active Components of Antrodia Camphorata Mycelia on Targeting Cancer initiating Cell. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Orlando, Florida, April 2-6.
  19. Chang C.H., F. Lo. 2011. Matricellular protein Cyr61/CCN1 regulates the stemness of oral cancer stem-like cells. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Orlando, Florida, April 2-6.
  20. Chen Y.S., F. Lo. 2011. CD133/Prominin-1 Modulates epithelial-mesenchymal transition, Stemness and Tumorigenicity of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma-derived Cancer Initiating Cells. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Orlando, Florida, April 2-6.
  21. Tan K.K., Y.G. Tsay, F. Lo. 2011. Identification of biomarkers and therapeutic targets in oral squamous cell carcinomas through comparative proteomic analyses. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Orlando, Florida, April 2-6.
  22. Yu C.C., S.H. Chiou, Y.H. Yu, F. Lo. 2010. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition mediator, S100A4, in maintenance of head and neck cancer initiating cells. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Washington, DC, April 17-21.
  23. Wu M.J., F. Lo, C.C. Yu. 2010. Glucose regulated protein78, a putative head and neck cancer initiating cells marker.  Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Washington, DC, April 17-21.
  24. Chen Y.S., F. Lo, C.C. Yu. 2010. CD133/prominin-1 regulates the tumorigenicity of oral squamous carcinoma cells-derived cancer initiating cells.  Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Washington, DC, April 17-21.
  25. Yu, C.C., S.H. Chiou, Y.H. Yu, C.J. Liu and F. Lo. 2009. S100A4, a Metastatic Marker, Modulates Self-renewal and Tumorigenicity of Head and Neck Cancer Initiating Cells. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Denver, CO, April 18-22.
  26. Yu, C.C., S.H. Chiou, C.J. Liu and F. Lo. 2008. Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, San Diego, CA, April 12-16.
  27. Chen, C.Y., Y.W. Liao, C.J. Liu andF. Lo. 2008. Characterization of Tid1, a mammalian homologue of Drosophila tumor suppressor Tid56, in oral cancer tumorigenesis. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, San Diego, CA, April 12-16.
  28. Yu, C.C., S.H. Chiou and F.Lo. 2007.  Isolation and characterization of oral cancer stem-like cells in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Los Angeles, CA, April 14-18.
  29. Chen, C.Y., Mo C.F., Yu C.J., Yan Y.T. and F. Lo. 2006. Elucidate the function of Tid1, a homologue of Drosophila tumor suppressor Tid56, in hematopoiesis. The 11th meeting of Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America, San Francisco, CA, July 19-23.
  30. Kim, S.W., M. Hayashi, F. Lo and J.D. Lee. 2005. Tid1 regulates the expression of PAI-1 gene.  Annual General Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Anaheim, CA, April 16-20.
  31. Lo, J. F., G. W. Gettins and S. Silver. 1999.  A Silver Binding Protein, SilE, of Escherichia coli Silver Resistance Plasmid pMG101. Annual General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, Chicago, IL, May 30-June 3.
  32. Lo, J. F., P. G. W. Gettins and S. Silver. 1999.  A Silver Binding Protein, SilE, of Escherichia coli Silver Resistance Plasmid pMG101. Frontiers of NMR in Molecular Biology VI, Keystone Symposia, Breckenridge, Co, Jan 9-15.
  33. Silver, S., A. Gupta, K. Matsui, and F. Lo. 1998.  The molecular genetics of a new plasmid system for resistance to Ag(I) compounds in enteric bacteria. The 4th International Symposium on Gold and Silver in Medicine at the Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Milwaukee, WI, June.
  34. Gupta, A., K. Matsui, J. F. Lo, and S. Silver. Plasmid mediated silver resistance in Escherichia coli: sequence, genetic analysis and diversity.  Annual General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, GA, May.
  35. Gupta, A., K. Matsui, F. Lo, A. Hendry, and S. Silver. 1997.  Silver resistance in Escherichia coli: Sequence, physiological and genetic analysis of a plasmid resistance determinant, Poster presentation, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Fall Symposium: Copper and Zinc Receptors in Signaling, Trafficking and Disease, Granlibakken, CA. October.
  36. Lo, J.F., M.F. Tam, and T.C. Lee.  Glutathione S-transferase p in an arsenic-resistant Chinese hamster ovary cell line.  1990, Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America Symposium, Hong Kong. June.
  1. Lo, J.F. Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Stress and Cancer Stemness on Head and Neck Carcinogenesis.  2021. September 24-25. National Health Research Institute Conference on Cancer Research, NHRI, Taiwan.
  2. Lo, J.F. Cancer Stemness, Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Stress on Tumorigenesis.  2019. November. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Mitochondrial Research and Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  3. Lo, J.F. Cancer Stemness, Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Stress on Tumorigenesis. November. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Mitochondrial Research and Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  4. Lo, J.F. Stress and Cancer Stemness on Tumorigenesis. 2019. July. 17th Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA) International Symposium, Kunming, People Republic of China.
  5. Lo, J.F. Cancer Stem Cell, Reactive Oxygen Species, Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Stress on Tumorigenesis. October. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Mitochondrial Research and Medicine, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  6. Lo, J.F. Cancer Stemness and Metabolic Signatures on Tumorigenesis. May. Cancer Research Center, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan.
  7. Lo, J.F. Reactive Oxygen Species and Cancer Stemness on Tumorigenesis. April. Department of Life Science, Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan.
  8. Lo, J.F. Reactive Oxygen Species, Cancer Stem Cell and Tumor Suppressor in Tumorigenesis. May. Laboratory of Human Carcinogenesis, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute/National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA.
  9. Lo, J.F. Reactive Oxygen Species, Cancer Stem Cell and Tumor Suppressor in Tumorigenesis. May. Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Genetics, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute/National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA.
  10. Lo, J.F. Reactive Oxygen Species, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Cancer Stemness and Tumorigenesis. November. The 10th UCSD and University System of Taiwan (UST) Bilateral Symposium. University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA.
  11. Lo, J.F. Reactive Oxygen Species, Cancer Stem Cells and Tumorigenesis. 2016. July. Ministry of Health and Welfare/Taipei Medical University-Shuang Ho Hospital, the 8th Anniversary on Cancer and Translational Research Conference., New Taipei, Taiwan.
  12. Lo, J.F. Role of Tumor Suppressor and Cancer Stem Cell in tumorigenesis. 2016. April. School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen, People Republic of China.
  13. Lo, J.F. Philosophy of Stem Cell Biology. 2016. April. Department of Sports Sciences, University of Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan.
  14. Lo, J.F. Role of ROS in Expression of Cancer Stemness. 2015. April. Department of Biochemistry and Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  15. Lo, J.F. Roles of Cancer Stem cell and Tumor Suppressor in Head and Neck Tumorigenesis. 2014. November. The 8th UCSD and University System of Taiwan (UST) Bilateral Symposium. University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA.
  16. Lo, J.F. A New Look of Head and Neck Cancer- Cancer Stem cell on Tumorigenesis. 2014. July. Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) of Malaysia and University System of Taiwan (UST) Science and Technology Workshops, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  17. Lo, J.F. Active Components of Antrodia Cinnamomea Mycelia on Targeting Head and Neck Cancer Stem Cell. 2014. July. Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) of Malaysia and University System of Taiwan (UST) Science and Technology Workshops, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  18. Lo, J.F. A New Look of Head and Neck Cancer- Cancer Stem cell and Tumor Suppressor Tid1 on Tumorigenesis. 2014. June. Invited Lecture by Shanghai ChemPartner Company Limited, Shanghai, China.
  19. Lo, J.F. A New Look of Head and Neck Cancer- Cancer Stem cell and Tumor Suppressor Tid1 on Tumorigenesis. 2014. June. Invited Lecture by Shantou University, Shantou, China.
  20. Lo, J.F. A New Look of Head and Neck Cancer: Cancer Stem cell and Tumor Suppressor Tid1 on Tumorigenesis 2014. April. Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, US.
  21. Lo, J.F. Cancer Stem Cell on Head and Neck Cancer Tumorigenesis. 2012. October. Department of Microbiology and Immunology, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
  22. Lo, J.F. Cellular Metabolism: Cancer Cell and Cancer Stem Cell. 2012. August. Toxicology Group Meeting. National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 
  23. Lo, J.F. Cancer Stem Cell on Oral Cancer Tumorigenesis. 2012. June. School of Life Science, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  24. Lo, J.F. Oral Cancer Stem Cell. 2012. March. Department of Biochemistry and Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  25. Lo, J.F. Targeting Head and Neck Cancer Stem Cell. 2012. February. Toxicology Group Meeting. Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  26. Lo, J.F.  Active Components of Antrodia Cinnamomea Mycelia on Targeting Oral Cancer Stem Cell. 2011. November. 2011 International Conference of Food Factors (ICoFF). Taipei, Taiwan
  27. Lo, J.F. Cancer Stem Cell on Head and Neck Cancer Tumorigenesis. 2011. October. Taiwan Stem Cell 7th Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan
  28. Lo, J.F. Cancer Stem Cell on Oral Cancer Tumorigenesis. 2011. June. School of Dentistry,  National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  29. Lo, J.F. Cancer Stem Cell on Oral Cancer Tumorigenesis. 2011. April. School of Life Science, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  30. Lo, J.F. Identification and Functional characterization of cancer stem cells on oral cancer tumorigenesis. 2010. October. Department of Life Science/Institute of Molecular Biology/Institute of Biomedical Science, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan.
  31. Lo, J.F. Identification and Functional characterization of cancer stem cells on oral cancer tumorigenesis. 2010. September. Department of Biotechnology, Hungkuang University, Taichung, Taiwan.
  32. Lo, J.F. Identification and Functional characterization of cancer stem cells on oral cancer tumorigenesis. 2010. July. Department of Dentistry, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  33. Lo, J.F. Tid1 on head and neck cancer tumorigenesis. 2010. June. Chinese Medical Association Annual Meeting (Section of Dentistry), Taipei, Taiwan.
  34. Lo, J.F. Functional characterization of oral cancer stem cells on oral cancer tumorigenesis. 2009. November. Department of Biochemistry and Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  35. Lo, J.F. Research of cancer stem cell in HNSCC. 2009. October. The 13th Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (CGMH) Cancer Symposium, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  36. Lo, J.F. Isolation and functional characterization of oral cancer stem-like cells. 2009. June. Department of Biotechnology and Laboratory Science in Medicine and Institute of Biotechnology in Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  37. Lo, J.F. Isolation and functional characterization of oral cancer stem-like cells on oral cancer tumorigenesis. 2009. May. Department of Life Science, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  38. Lo, J.F. Cancer stem cells. 2009. May. Graduate Institute of Exercise Science, Taipei Physical Education College, Taipei, Taiwan.
  39. Lo, J.F. Isolation and functional characterization of oral cancer stem-like cells on oral cancer tumorigenesis. 2009. March. The 24th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science, Taipei, Taiwan.
  40. Lo, J.F. Isolation and functional characterization of oral cancer stem-like cells on oral cancer tumorigenesis. 2009. March. Department of Dentistry, National Defense Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan.
  41. Lo, J.F. Isolation and functional characterization of oral cancer stem-like cells on oral cancer tumorigenesis. 2009. February. Radiation Oncology Division, Cancer Center, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
  42. Lo, J.F. Isolation and functional characterization of oral cancer stem-like cells on oral cancer tumorigenesis. 2009. January. Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
  43. Lo, J.F. Cancer stem-like cell on oral cancer tumorigenesis. 2008. December. Asian-Pacific TCOG 12th Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan.
  44. Lo, J.F. Cancer stem-like cell on oral cancer tumorigenesis. 2008. October. The Third Annual Meeting, Taiwanese Society of Molecular Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan.
  45. Lo, J.F. Cancer stem-like cell on oral cancer tumorigenesis. 2008. June. Chinese Medical Association Annual Meeting (Section of Stem Cell and Cancer), Taipei, Taiwan. 
  46. Lo, J.F. Cancer stem-like cell on oral cancer tumorigenesis. 2008. June. Department of Dentistry, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan.
  47. Lo, J.F. Isolation and characterization of cancer stem-like cells in oral squamous cell carcinoma. 2007. November. National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan.
  48. Lo, J.F. Conditional knockout, an ultimate tool to study the function of Tid1, a putative tumor suppressor, in early embryonic development and T cell differentiation. 2007. October. Graduate Institute of Basic Medical Science, Chinese Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan.
  49. Lo, J.F. Conditional knockout, an ultimate tool to study the function of Tid1, a putative tumor suppressor, in early embryonic development and T cell differentiation. 2007. October. Department of Medical Research and Education, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
  50. Lo, J.F. Isolation and characterization of cancer stem-like cells in oral squamous cell carcinoma. 2007. September. 2007 Retreat of Molecular Medicine Program, Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP) in Academia Sinica, Tauyuan, Taiwan.
  51. Lo, J.F. Tid1, a putative tumor suppressor, is required for early double negative T cell development. 2006. June. Department of Dentistry, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
  52. Lo, J.F. Conditional knockout, an ultimate tool to study the function of Tid1, a putative tumor suppressor, in early embryonic development and T cell differentiation. 2005. June. Institute of Neuroscience, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  53. Lo, J.F. Tid1, a putative tumor suppressor, plays a role in embryogenesis, cell differentiation and tumorigenesis. June. Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan.
  54. Lo, J.F. Tid1, a putative tumor suppressor, plays a role in embryogenesis, cell differentiation and tumorigenesis. 2004. June. Institute of Zoology, Academic Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
  55. Lo, J.F. Tid1, a putative tumor suppressor, plays a role in embryogenesis, cell differentiation and tumorigenesis. 2004. June. Institute of Oral Biology, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan.